
Showing posts from 2017

A Bedtime Story #7

Tick tock... Tick tock... Mom... Mom, can you hear me? Last night, dad has took my eyes, both of my eyeballs He told me that he need it to feel you, to love you And he said you need it more than I Mom... Mom... Now I feel so cold, my bones are freezing I can see nothing It's really dark here And I can't love you anymore, Ma

A Bedtime Story #6

Pada suatu hari, di sebuah desa kecil jauh di dalam hutan yang mengalir sungai jernih di dalamnya... Hiduplah seekor kupu-kupu yang sedang merayakan kebebasannya dari penjara kepompong. Ia bernyanyi kesana kesini, menari dan meloncat-loncat, memamerkan sayapnya yang indah pada setiap mahkluk yang ditemuinya. Sayap kuning dengan dua buah corak biru keunguan yang seolah-olah tampak seperti mata yang selalu siap mengawasi mangsanya. Namun sayang, kupu-kupu itu hanya memiliki satu buah sayap, ia tidak mungkin terbang dengan satu sayap, tapi ia masih bisa berjalan bahkan berlari dengan satu sayap. Hanya dalam hitungan menit, segera tersiar kabar ke seluruh pelosok hutan bahwa telah lahir seekor kupu-kupu dengan satu sayap, dan tentu saja hal itu menggemparkan seluruh penduduk desa yang dihuni oleh kupu-kupu.  Seluruh penduduk desa hingga biji bunga yang beterbangan berbisik-bisik setiap kali melihat kupu-kupu bersayap satu. Mereka yakin bahwa kupu-kupu itu tidak layak hidup di

Orang Aneh - Albert Camus

Orang Aneh (Albert Camus) Orang Aneh (terjemahan dari judul asli L’Étranger , 1942) Penulis : Albert Camus Penerbit: Senja Publishing Cetakan: 1, Oktober 2015, 176 hlm.; 13 cm x 20 cm "Ibu meninggal dunia hari ini. Atau mungkin kemarin; aku tidak begitu pasti...". Yes,  I can't move on easily from this book! Walaupun buku ini tergolong kecil dan tipis (bisalah diselipin disaku jaket), tapi tulisan Camus ini sarat makna, benar-benar 'insightful' mulai dari halaman pertama hingga akhir, absolutely thought provoking. Menurut gue, pemikiran absurditas yang seringkali dilekatkan pada Camus udah mulai keliatan di awal cerita, konflik yang semakin meninggi di pertengahan cerita, dan ending yang 'indah' sekaligus 'suram'. Tokoh utama dalam cerita ini, Meursault, dihukum dengan hukuman paling berat di pengadilan Aljazair atas pembunuhan yang dilakukannya terhadap seorang pemuda Arab ketika mereka sedang berada di pinggir laut pada siang h

When I saw Me

I got a dream, last night. A dreamed when I saw me. I talked to me. I stared at me. I touched me. I cried, I cried a lot 'til i couldn't breathe. I smiled, I laughed to me. I told me everything, I threw up every single thing from my head. I didn't feel any fear, but joyful. We played, gave a hug each other, we held hands. I felt relieved, it seems like we fell in love. I saw nothing but me. Then I said to me, "I wanna be with you, believe me, I always thinking about you." "Why are you so sure? When do you think of me?" "Everyday, almost my whole life." "Okay then, you should die first anyway." "I was dead, many times only to see you..."

A Bedtime Story #5

Once upon a time, there lived a young girl in a small village.  The girl with big brown eyes and a sharp gaze, white skin pale face, thin and messy curl-hair.  Her parents sometimes loved her, but sometimes not.  Her friends sometimes smiled at her, but sometimes not .  After dinner, she felt something tickled   under her eyelid. She thought it was an ant, it always came in her dreams, crawled over her body and left a stench.   The ant sometimes walked around her eyelid, then it was walking around in her brain, then slept in her stomach.  She told her parent, yet they ignored her. They said that this is just  in her imagination, she was dreaming.  She thought to kill the ant, if not it would kill her.  She took a fork, tried to open her left eyelid, yet the ant wasn't there. Then she tried to prying her eyes, but it wasn't there.  However she didn't lose her mind, she shook a match and threw it away into her eye socket. "Dad, I've already dead, many times

A Bedtime Story #4

Once upon a time  there was a boy who living in the castle with his father,  far between the mountain, around the meadow.  The other day, his mother died, right in front of him after ate a poisonous mulberry. Every single day, the boy always asked about her to his father. "Papa, where is mama? Why i can't find her everywhere? She said she will never leave me alone." "It's okay, dear. Mama is always around us. Now she become a butterfly, a pretty butterfly, like a rainbow. She always here, in your heart." Yet, the boy kept searching for his mom.  'till one day, he tried to found her in his heart.  He slited his chest  with a sharp twig, he tried to found a butterfly in him, then he smiled. "Mama, take me wherever you go, you've promised me. I will never forgive you." In his dream, she sang a lullaby and he slept on her lap, while hold a colorful butterfly in his hand. -Fin-

The Stargazer Lilies

Bagi para penikmat musik shoegaze , nama The Stargazer Lilies mungkin tidak asing lagi. Memulai debut  sekitar 5 tahun yang lalu di daerah asalnya NorthEast PA Los Angeles, band yang dibentuk oleh pasangan John Cep dan Kim Field (sebelumnya mereka pernah mendirikan band disco shoegaze , Soundpool) ini disambut dengan respon yang positif saat mereka berhasil meluncurkan album perdana “We Are The Dreamers“ pada akhir  tahun 2013 dibawah label Graveface Record. Selain racikan heavy guitar effect yang dimainkan oleh Ceparano  dan petikan bass along with soft and dreamy vocal-nya Field, lagu-lagu yang dibawakan band ini semakin membuat kita ‘melayang’ dengan permainan drum yang minimalis ala Tammy Hirata.   The Stargazer Lilies  “The Stargazer Lilies possess a truly widescreen, cinematic sound with crescendos that build cascading waves of sound enveloping your whole body. The music is a bit darker than standard dream pop fare, but that only makes it that much more mesmerizing.” -

A Bedtime Story #3

Once upon a time far in the woods... There lived a bird  who  loves to sing, almost everyday, everytime, in his whole life However, no one likes his singing From animals to plants, all of them really hate his songs They said that their fart sound so much better than his voice It's better for him to still silent like trees Yet he didn't despair Thus in all modesty, he began cut their tongue and hanging it on the trees. "Dear my friends, my family, my love, now you can enjoy my singing without put any words on it. You just have to feel it, then find me in your nightmare. I love you all, i love you!" - Fin -

A Bedtime Story #2

Once upon a time, there was a mama cat who lived in a basement. She just gave birth to five cute kittens: two boys, two girls and one both. Yet, after a month, just as the blizzard came, one of her daughters got sick, dying until she didn't breath anymore. She was mourned, couldn't sleep for days. She felt angry, then cried before her daughter dead body until there's no single tear was left. Along with all of the sorrow, she brought her to the kitchen, she cut her into pieces, then gave it to the children.  "My dear, this is your sister, you all can eat her. Feel her, taste her. Always remember how it taste like.  Then, we can show our love to her, attached to her. Now, eat it!" -Fin-

A Bedtime Story #1

Listen to me, now I will tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a family: a father, a mother, a daughter, a son, and a cat. They were always fought each other. Yet, sometimes they loved each other. Then, they killed each other. That's normal, since every family has secrets and weaknesses.  -Fin-

Gastrodiplomacy, The Power of Food

“Food is the oldest form of diplomacy.”  - Hillary Clinton Makanan, salah satu kebutuhan dasar makhluk hidup ini bisa dikatakan menjadi salah satu elemen penting dalam konteks global hari ini. Hampir seluruh negara dari berbagai belahan dunia menempatkan makan sebagai isu penting, mulai dari krisis pangan yang terjadi di negara-negara konflik yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam isu keamanan nasional, hingga pada perkembangan kuliner sebagai alat diplomasi dalam konteks kebijakan luar negeri. Gastrodiplomacy , istilah tersebut semakin populer dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir sebagai sebuah pencapaian dalam perkembangan bentuk public diplomacy dan muncul sebagai strategi bagi negara-negara untuk menggunakan keunikan kuliner mereka dalam rangka mempromosikan diri pada level global. Praktik gastrodiplomacy sendiri mulai dikenal luas melalui keberhasilan kebijakan “Global Thai Program” oleh Thailand pada 2002. Sejak saat itu, langkah tersebut mulai diikuti oleh negara-negara lain,


The issue is how I remember faces. It doesn’t matter if I know the person: I’ve walked right past my husband, my own mother, my daughter, my son, without being able to recognize   them (dikutip dari Science of Us ). Apa kamu memiliki teman atau kerabat yang sangat sulit untuk mengenali dan mengingat wajah orang lain? Atau mungkin kamu sendiri yang mengalami hal tersebut? Well , bisa jadi kamu mengalami face-blindness atau buta wajah. Face-blindness   adalah gangguan pada otak yang ditandai dengan ketidakmampuan seseorang untuk mengenali wajah. Face-blindness sering juga disebut dengan prosopagnosia. Istilah prosopagnosia  berasal dari gabungan dalam bahasa Yunani yaitu ‘prosopon' yang berarti wajah dan 'agnosia' yang berarti ketidaktahuan. Gejala pada masing-masing penderita face-blindness bervariasi, sebagian mungkin mengalami kesulitan untuk mengenali wajah orang-orang yang familiar dengannya dan tidak dapat membedakan wajah orang-orang yang tidak dia kenal, namun