A Bedtime Story #4

Once upon a time  there was a boy who living in the castle with his father,  far between the mountain, around the meadow. 
The other day, his mother died, right in front of him after ate a poisonous mulberry.
Every single day, the boy always asked about her to his father.
"Papa, where is mama? Why i can't find her everywhere? She said she will never leave me alone."
"It's okay, dear. Mama is always around us. Now she become a butterfly, a pretty butterfly, like a rainbow. She always here, in your heart."
Yet, the boy kept searching for his mom.  'till one day, he tried to found her in his heart. 
He slited his chest  with a sharp twig, he tried to found a butterfly in him, then he smiled.
"Mama, take me wherever you go, you've promised me. I will never forgive you."
In his dream, she sang a lullaby and he slept on her lap, while hold a colorful butterfly in his hand.


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