
Showing posts from March, 2017

A Bedtime Story #2

Once upon a time, there was a mama cat who lived in a basement. She just gave birth to five cute kittens: two boys, two girls and one both. Yet, after a month, just as the blizzard came, one of her daughters got sick, dying until she didn't breath anymore. She was mourned, couldn't sleep for days. She felt angry, then cried before her daughter dead body until there's no single tear was left. Along with all of the sorrow, she brought her to the kitchen, she cut her into pieces, then gave it to the children.  "My dear, this is your sister, you all can eat her. Feel her, taste her. Always remember how it taste like.  Then, we can show our love to her, attached to her. Now, eat it!" -Fin-

A Bedtime Story #1

Listen to me, now I will tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a family: a father, a mother, a daughter, a son, and a cat. They were always fought each other. Yet, sometimes they loved each other. Then, they killed each other. That's normal, since every family has secrets and weaknesses.  -Fin-

Gastrodiplomacy, The Power of Food

“Food is the oldest form of diplomacy.”  - Hillary Clinton Makanan, salah satu kebutuhan dasar makhluk hidup ini bisa dikatakan menjadi salah satu elemen penting dalam konteks global hari ini. Hampir seluruh negara dari berbagai belahan dunia menempatkan makan sebagai isu penting, mulai dari krisis pangan yang terjadi di negara-negara konflik yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam isu keamanan nasional, hingga pada perkembangan kuliner sebagai alat diplomasi dalam konteks kebijakan luar negeri. Gastrodiplomacy , istilah tersebut semakin populer dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir sebagai sebuah pencapaian dalam perkembangan bentuk public diplomacy dan muncul sebagai strategi bagi negara-negara untuk menggunakan keunikan kuliner mereka dalam rangka mempromosikan diri pada level global. Praktik gastrodiplomacy sendiri mulai dikenal luas melalui keberhasilan kebijakan “Global Thai Program” oleh Thailand pada 2002. Sejak saat itu, langkah tersebut mulai diikuti oleh negara-negara lain,